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Yar_Concurrent_Client::loop is a functio

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Yar_Concurrent_Client::loop is a function in PHP's Yar extension that allows for concurrent execution of remote procedure calls (RPCs). It is used to send multiple RPC requests to different servers simultaneously, allowing for better performance and efficiency.

When calling Yar_Concurrent_Client::loop, you pass in an optional callback function that will be called for each RPC response received. The callback will be passed the response data as a parameter.

Here's an example to help illustrate its usage:

// Example callback function
function processResponse($response, $info) {
// Process the RPC response data
// $response contains the response data
// $info contains additional information about the response

// Output the response data
echo "Response: " . $response . "\n";

// Output the additional information
echo "Additional Info: " . print_r($info, true) . "\n";

// Set up multiple RPC requests
Yar_Concurrent_Client::call("http://server1/path/to/service", "method1", array("arg1", "arg2"), "processResponse");
Yar_Concurrent_Client::call("http://server2/path/to/service", "method2", array("arg3", "arg4"), "processResponse");
Yar_Concurrent_Client::call("http://server3/path/to/service", "method3", array("arg5", "arg6"), "processResponse");

// Send all requests concurrently

In the example above, Yar_Concurrent_Client::call is used to set up multiple RPC requests to different servers. The "http://serverX/path/to/service" represents the URL of the remote server, "methodX" represents the method to call on the server, and the array represents the arguments to pass to the method.

The third parameter to Yar_Concurrent_Client::call is the callback function, which will be called for each RPC response received. In the example, processResponse is used as the callback function.

After setting up all the requests, Yar_Concurrent_Client::loop is called to send the requests concurrently. The callback function will be invoked for each response received, allowing you to process the data as needed.

Note that the actual response data and additional information will depend on the specific RPC service being called.